5 Tips to Cultivate More Sexual Desire

5 Tips to Cultivate More Sexual Desire

Why does desire often fade in long-term relationships? What gets in the way of feeling sexual desire towards your partner in a long-term relationship or marriage (even when you still find them attractive)? And what are tips to cultivate more sexual desire? I sat down (over Zoom) with Sarah Regan at mindbodygreen to talk through all of these questions and get into the nitty gritty of sexual desire….

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Can Compassion towards Yourself Make You a Better Relationship Partner?

 Can Compassion towards Yourself Make You a Better Relationship Partner?

Is it possible that practicing self-compassion in your relationship is related to both you AND your partner being more satisfied with your relationship?

On Valentine’s Day, I zoomed into the studios at Good Day Chicago to speak about a new research study on this topic…

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You Want to Work on Your Marriage but Your Spouse Doesn't

You Want to Work on Your Marriage but Your Spouse Doesn't

It’s not uncommon in long-term relationships for one person to want to work on their relationship, while the other one doesn’t. And at time stamps like the new year and anniversaries, this may feel particularly frustrating. As part of my ongoing “How to Have Hard Conversations” series, I answer a question along these lines.

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Gen Z is Sex-Positive but Relationship-Negative?

Gen Z is Sex-Positive but Relationship-Negative?

More than any prior generation, Generation Z seems to embrace sex positivity — that is, embracing sexual variety and various relationship forms. As long as the people involved are adults and consenting, Gen Z is less likely to judge their choices and actions. But while Gen Z seems to be more sex-positive and open-minded, they seem to be more relationship-negative…

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Dr. Jenn Helps Women Cultivate Mindful Sexual Empowerment

Dr. Jenn Helps Women Cultivate Mindful Sexual Empowerment

Why does sexual empowerment matter for women? How did I get started on this career path? I was recently interviewed by DatingNews.com about my sexual empowerment work and career path, and what messages are most important for women to learn about their bodies, sexual expression, and self-worth….

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Give Yourself a Hand …Being Vulnerable for National Masturbation Month

Give Yourself a Hand …Being Vulnerable for National Masturbation Month

May is National Masturbation Month! However, back in March, I had the opportunity to deliver a talk on masturbation at San Diego State University. The event was organized by the Student for Public Health club and was open to any student interested, although we had to limit attendance to 100 students because we had 100 free vibrators to distribute to the attendees!

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