How to Make Sex Resolutions that Stick for the New Year

What's not working in your sex or intimate life? What makes you unhappy, disconnected, or unsatisfied? Start there, when you're brainstorming on you sexual intentions for the new year. The article link below through Shape Magazine has many ideas for the new year. I was interviewed for this article, and have lots of my suggestions sprinkled throughout. May your new year be filled with passion, fun, and connection. :)


~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker

Lack of Experience = Happier Marriage??

Does lack of experience in relationships prior to marriage make you more blissful in your marriage? How about having more people in attendance at your wedding? Research shows that these might make for a happier marriage. I discuss some recent research by the National Marriage Project with Marc Bailey on San Diego Living, Channel 6.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker

Reflect on and Celebrate 2013...and Plan for 2014

This week is a perfect time to reflect on the past year and start planning for 2014. You can specifically do this in the realms of sex, intimacy, and relationships. Below is part of an End of the Year newsletter that may assist in your celebrations and intentions. Click here to view the entire newsletter.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego -- Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist

Questions for Erotic Intelligence

Your erotic intelligence is your knowledge, wisdom, and comfort in the erotic arena. I offer 5 questions to get you started in developing erotic intelligence between you and your partner. Why? Because any growth in this area can bring you closer to your partner, make you happier, and more satisfied.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist, Sex Coach

ANTIVIEW: What I'm NOT as a Sex Expert

I was recently interviewed by ANTIVIEW, a site that brings creativity and challenge back to journalism and interviewing. The questions were the opposite of what I'm used to, e.g., What am I not? How doesn't someone become a sex expert? I have included the first portion of the interview below, but please click on the link to go to the ANTIVIEW site to read the rest!


I do not sleep with my clients or watch them have sex.

I am not a psychologist or a marriage and family therapist.

I do not have orgies on the weekends (although I’m not opposed to the idea!).

I’m not ungrounded or “woo-woo,” although I do take a holistic approach to my work.

I am not a man-hater, although I identify with feminism, and I do not take sides in my counseling work.

I do not make people feel bad about being sexual under their own terms and by their own definitions.

There are a lot of assumptions about my kind of work, so it’s fun to be able to articulate, off the bat, what I am not!

Read the rest of the article at ANTIVIEW.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sex Coach, Sexologist, Sex Expert, Sociologist

Dos and Don'ts of Sexual Philanthropy

Can you give too much during sex? I was asked to write about "giving in the bedroom" for the Philanthropy Issue of Pacific San Diego Magazine this August 2012. You might be surprised to read that a give, give, give approach isn't always the best.

Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker