5 Things Successful People Might Not Know About Their Sex Lives

5 Things Successful People Might Not Know About Their Sex Lives

You’re competent and confident. People listen to you and respect you for your knowledge and experience. You’ve achieved a high level of success in your career. But none of this means that you excel in building and maintaining healthy relationships or that you’re a good lover. Here are five aspects of intimacy that may be missing from your toolbox…

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What is great sex? Interview on the LUVBITES podcast

What is great sex? Interview on the LUVBITES podcast

I was recently a guest on the LUVBITES podcast with Dr. Tara, a professor and researcher on sexual communication. This is her description of our podcast topic: “The Question of the Century: What exactly is great sex? For episode #16, I chatted with Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus…”

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How to "Surrender" in Intimacy - The Potential to Powerhouse Podcast

How to "Surrender" in Intimacy - The Potential to Powerhouse Podcast

Surrender is such a scary AND juicy word. Because it means being vulnerable and not being in control. But it also means allowing yourself the opportunity to truly release and connect with a sexual partner. This is one of the topics I discussed on episode #34 of the Potential to Powerhouse podcast.

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Insecurities that Married Women have with Sex & Intimacy

Insecurities that Married Women have with Sex & Intimacy

“Is there anything about sex or intimacy that you feel insecure about? This summer I’m conducting a Sex & Vulnerability online survey and at almost 200 respondents so far, the results are already incredibly interesting and thought-provoking. Normally I would wait until I’ve closed the window on receiving any new survey responses, but…

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Confident Humility for Optimal Sex - How Adam Grant's Mindset Also Helps in the Bedroom

Confident Humility for Optimal Sex - How Adam Grant's Mindset Also Helps in the Bedroom

Adam Grant’s concept of “confident humility” is totally relevant for sexual relationships too. Many short-term and pretty much all long-term sexual relationships will have concerns. This could include mismatched desire levels, differing sexual needs, varying communication styles, lack of sexual skills, undeveloped communication skills…

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Mindful Intimacy Series at Rancho La Puerta

Mindful Intimacy Series at Rancho La Puerta

I had the joy and pleasure of speaking for a week at Rancho La Puerta, a place that I describe as a healthy summer camp for adults who are into fitness, nutrition, relaxation, and connection. A week later I was interviewed by the Program Director at the Ranch, Barry Shingle, about the topics I spoke on at the Ranch the previous week…

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