Dating Disaster Stories from a "Terrible Dater"

Dating Disaster Stories from a "Terrible Dater"

“He was leaning over me on the sofa, kissing my neck. Then I realized he was also checking a new Bumble message on his phone.”

I was interviewed on the San Diego morning news along with Sabrina Must, the author of a new book on her personal dating disaster stories….

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How to Live a "Hell Yes!" Life

How to Live a "Hell Yes!" Life

Do you listen to your intuition when it's telling you No! versus telling you Hell Yes!? Making choices based on what you know is right for you can be difficult, especially for women who have been taught to put the needs of others first. My dear friend Barb Miller has started a new podcast show for women to learn how to live a Hell Yes! life, and I was her first guest!

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What is micro-cheating? And why do people cheat?

What is micro-cheating? And why do people cheat?

More than 90% of Americans think that cheating on one's partner is morally wrong. Yet it is still incredibly common. So why do people cheat? And what is this new term called "micro-cheating"? Some statistics from Ashley Madison are shared...

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Farting in Bed? with Sexologist Dr. Jenn

Farting in Bed? with Sexologist Dr. Jenn

What do you think about farting in bed? Whether this happens during sex, or while getting ready to sleep, this is a taboo topic that my colleague Jeanson Benoit and I let rip (see what I did there?)! Check out this 2nd video in my new In the Bed with Dr. Jenn video series...

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In the BED with Dr. Jenn?! Answering your sex questions...

In the BED with Dr. Jenn?! Answering your sex questions...

What are your sex and intimacy questions? I'm answering your sex questions from the bed -- sometimes alone and sometimes with friends and colleagues -- to bring an intimate and vulnerable energy to your sexual concerns. The first question I'm answering?...

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