Components of Women's Empowerment - Speaking to College Students

Components of Women's Empowerment - Speaking to College Students

The word “empowerment” has been used (and overused) for many years, particularly as related to women’s equality and voice in workplaces, schools, and personal relationships. Despite its sometimes trite use, when I’m speaking to groups of women about how to be more authentic and vulnerable, and how to responsibly speak up for themselves in new ways…

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Bullsh*t Vulnerability & Authenticity on Social Media & Instagram

Bullsh*t Vulnerability & Authenticity on Social Media & Instagram

Authenticity and vulnerability. We’ve learned that these are good things, yes? According to researcher and author Brene Brown, folks who cultivate these characteristics are able to live happier, more connected, and more satisfying lives. So why am I calling “bullshit” on vulnerability and authenticity right now?

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Reducing Sexual Shame - An Interview with Authority Magazine

Reducing Sexual Shame - An Interview with Authority Magazine

“All of us as humans want to be seen, accepted, and loved as we are in all of our beauty and imperfections, but the rejection of ourselves through societal and personal shame erects walls that limit genuine intimacy with ourselves and our partners.” - Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus

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Shhh...anal sex with hemorrhoids

Shhh...anal sex with hemorrhoids

What happens when you put two taboo topics together? You get a shamed topic like anal sex with hemorrhoids. I applauded writer Jessica Toscano at Self Magazine when she contacted me for an article she was researching on whether anal sex causes hemorrhoids and how to have safe and enjoyable anal play with those pesky little fellows.

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What I Want to Hear from You, Brett Kavanaugh

What I Want to Hear from You, Brett Kavanaugh

I’ve heard denial and a lot of deflection. I’ve heard anger and sadness. And I’ve heard disrespect. I know you needed to show that you are tough and a strong man. You needed to show who is in charge through your dominance and anger and righteous indignation. What I haven’t heard from you, Judge Kavanaugh…

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