Faking It? Why Do Women Fake Orgasms?:Session #57

Do women fake orgasms? Why would they? Dr. Jenn talks about women faking orgasms and the impact it has on relationships and female sexuality. Have you faked it? Is it problematic?  A resounding yes from the Den.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Public Speaker (and a woman who has never faked an orgasm!)

How to Sexually Satisfy a Woman: Session #55

Are women sexually satisfied? How do you sexually satisfy a woman?

Dr. Jenn talks to a Latina Sexual Advocate about the social and cultural impact of sexuality toward women.

Dr. Jenn also provides a step women can take to work toward sexual satisfaction.


Carolina Ramos, Latina Sexual Advocate — cramos@thecentersd.org

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sociologist, Public Speaker (and generally a sexually satisfied woman!)