AMA - Ask Me Anything about sex, intimacy, relationships...

“I need a quick way to snap out of being critical, angry and annoyed at my husband…can you help?”

“How can I help a woman orgasm?”

“What are ways to have more emotional depth in a relationship?”

I recently hosted a free Zoom webinar for folks to ask their questions around sex concerns, communication difficulties, intimacy desires, emotional connections, and more.

I first answered questions that had been submitted ahead of time through social media, and then fielded a few questions typed in during the live session.

If you have sex or relationship questions, I might be able to address them in upcoming videos or in my weekly podcast show Sex Talk with Clint & the Doc. You can email them here: Dr. Jenn’s email.

I hope these answers help,

Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Intimacy Coach, & Sociologist