Our Biggest Misconceptions about Sex
/Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego sexologist, being interviewed on the Make Life Epic podcast.
Have you been disappointed with sex in a long-term relationship? Many have, and I think that's because we're taught a lot of falsehoods about sex. And on top of that, we don't have the comfort and skills to responsibly talk through intimacy issues that arise. So what are the keys to creating a great sex life? And why do I do the work that I do around sex, gender, and communication?
These questions and more were asked when Jim Simcoe, host of the Make Life Epic podcast, interviewed me last week for his show. Jim and I have known each other for several years, since our mutual involvement as Board Members with Jeans 4 Justice, a nonprofit to prevent sexual assault and relationship violence. Jim is good people, and as a husband, father of two girls, entrepreneur, and socially-conscious citizen, I knew our conversation would flow with authenticity and vulnerability. And there were a lot of laughs too! Take a listen when you're driving in your car or going for a walk:
~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist