3 Keys to Thriving Intimacy in Your Marriage

3 Keys to Thriving Intimacy in Your Marriage

Are you able to accept change? Intimacy, whether in the form of emotional closeness or sexual connection, changes throughout a long-term relationship. Shifts in your intimate connections are inevitable, because: Priorities change. Families change. Jobs change. Needs change. Hormones change. Bodies change….

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Let’s have the fight now! Managing expectations for vacations with your partner

Let’s have the fight now! Managing expectations for vacations with your partner

You want to sleep in as late as you want and have leisurely mornings. Your partner wants to be up at the crack of dawn to explore your surroundings and go on adventures. / You hope for sex at least once a day. Your partner wants to feel free from any pressure to have sex and just relax and take care of themselves. / You would like to stay on top of work emails so it’s not overwhelming when you return….

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