What is Mindful Sex? Mindfulness, Women, & Intimacy

Mindfulness and sex - my two favorite topics to talk about! And who better to discuss mindful sex with, than the sexpert couple in Tampa, FL, who refer to themselves as The Love Birds! (Which totally makes sense, because they've been married a long time, they are sex and love experts, and their last name is Bird!) I met these two a few years ago at the annual AASECT sexuality conference, where we hit it off immediately. Chuck and JoAnn Bird are good people. So I was thrilled when they asked to interview me for their weekly radio show Intimate Chat with the Love Birds.

*Click here to open a new window that will play the radio interview.*

I join their show at around the 18-minute point. We discuss how mindfulness is vitally important to breaking negative relationship patterns, what's needed for female sexual empowerment, and tips to put mindfulness into action. We also explain our running joke about Nut Porn ;) Have a listen and let me know what you think about sex and mindfulness!

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Sexologist, Sexuality Speaker, Sociologist

Summer Sizzler Sex Newsletter

When you sign up for my newsletter mailing list, you definitely don't have to worry about having your email box slammed by me! That being said, since it's been a few months, I wanted to use the summer to help people catch up with what I've been up, and encourage them to use all the free videos and essays I have to support their growth in the realms of sex, intimacy, and relationships. I say, never stop learning about intimacy!

You can view the sex newsletter online HERE.

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sociologist, Sexuality Speaker