What is Pegging?

What is pegging? And how does it involve women, men, dildos, lube, pleasure and power?

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sexologist, Sex Coach, Sociologist, and Sexuality Speaker

Robot Sex & Cyberdildonics

Is robot sex hot? Where are we headed with technology and sex? Can cyberdildonics bring people closer together? Dr. Jenn discusses this with Sean the Comedian. Her alter-ego, Spicy Suzy, hits the streets of San Diego to interview regular folk about whether cyberdildonics is cheating, dragon sex, and more.

Cyberdildonics or Teledildonics

According to smartphone use, who is more likely to have sex on a first date?

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego, CA -- Sex Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Sexologist, College Sexual Health Speaker

Sex Addiction - Is it Real or BS? #143

Is sex addiction a legitimate diagnosis or has it been created by Hollywood in an attempt to protect the famous? Dr. Jenn speaks with one of her alter-egos, Jane the Den Clinical Sex Researcher, to learn the latest on this controversial topic.

Q: How did the word "fornication" originate?

In a sentence, what's a guy have to say? (This is new segment with a very funny Stevie J. Clark as the "Man in the Den.")

~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Sex Therapist, Marriage Counselor, Sexologist, and College Sexual Health Speaker

Bend Over Boyfriend: What's up with the Male G-Spot?

This episode of "In the Den With Dr. Jenn", Spicy Suzy the Den Sex-pert stops by to discuss the male G-spot, why men may enjoy anal play, and why women might enjoy penetrating their partners.

Spicy Suzy
The Den Sex-pert

The Pope's current stance on condom use.


Aneros - Male G-Spot (Prostate Stimulation)

I know I'm not a man, and I don’t have a prostate gland, but if I did, I think I’d want to try the Aneros! It is the “Male G-Spot Stimulator” that has been medically researched and designed. To quote the creators of the Aneros: “Its proven efficacious hands-free self-pivoting mechanism simultaneously massages the Male G-Spot and the perineum culminating in an intensely heightened experience of orgasm.” Many men state that orgasms through prostate stimulation are by far the best orgasms of their lives. The prostate is about three inches inside a man’s rectum. Once the man is relaxed and has well-lubricated the Aneros, the product is then inserted, and just through contracting his PC-sphincter muscles, it gently strokes the prostate (internally) and the perineum (externally). It’s that simple. Look ma, no hands!