Mindful Masturbation -- Moving from shame to joy & learning!
/“It shows how incredibly insidious and ubiquitous the negative messaging can be around our bodies and sexuality. That something so natural and normal and about our taking care of ourselves, is taken away from us.”
Masturbation...is such a sticky topic in our society, especially for women. And mindful or meditative masturbation is an activity that is only about us -- taking care of ourselves, learning about our desires, giving ourselves comfort and pleasure, being sensually present and appreciative. Yet for many folks, masturbation is as if the rest of society is in the room with them! Judging. Shaming. Attacking.
In this "Stay Inspired" podcast interview with Kongit Farrell, LMFT, I share my professional opinions about the societal and emotional difficulties around this topic and activity.
We address:
- Why masturbation is not dirty or shameful
- How presenting masturbation as something negative hurts women
- How confidence plays such an important role in relationships
- Why masturbation is helpful in healing ourselves
- What meditative and mindful masturbation really means
- What makes meditative and mindful masturbation more meaningful
- Why it is so difficult to deal with sexual shame
Listen to this podcast interview on Mindful Masturbation.
~Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, San Diego Sexologist, Sex Coach, Sociologist, & Sexuality Speaker